Legacy Comix is proud to announce that The Job #2 is now available for pre-order in Physical, Digital and Trading Card QR Comic format.

It is currently scheduled for a Summer 2023 release.
“This a special issue,” The Job creator Patrick Hickey Jr. said. “It not only represents some of the best work of Steve Cange’s career and the type of narrative that brings these characters alive like never before, but it’s a ton of fun for anyone who grew up with classic films such as Point Break and WWF/E wrestling.”
Make sure to get your pre-order in today!
About The Job #2:
Written and Lettered by Patrick Hickey Jr.
Penciled, Inked and Colored by Steve Cange
With a hungry young detective on their trails, Dan and Bev Dero find themselves finally beginning to enjoy the fruits of their labor. But how long will the good times last?