Legacy Comix is proud to announce that My Brother And The Lady Bug is now available for pre-order, Digitally, Physically and Comix QR formats. The book will be officially released on January 7, 2024.

“This is a special book, written by a special six-year-old girl,” Legacy Comix Editor-In-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. said. “It’s a step in a different direction for us, but we absolutely believe in this one and are happy to have something younger readers can and will enjoy.”
Order the Book Digitally, Here.
Order the Book Physically, Here.
Order the Trading Card QR Comix Edition, Here
About My Brother And The Lady Bug:
Written By Josie Ann Hickey
Scripted, Lettered and Edited By Patrick Hickey Jr.
Penciled, Inked and Colored by Joshua Adams
A little girl wants a brother more than anything in the world. When her mom tells her that ladybugs bring good luck, an adventure begins.
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