Don’t Forget To Tip Your Driver!
Condrey Spin-Off Introduces Intriguing New Character!

Legacy Comix is proud to announce that DoorSlash is now available for Pre-Order in Digital, Physical and QR Trading Card format for release this Halloween!
“If you dig horror- this is going to be a lot of fun,” Legacy Comix Owner Patrick Hickey Jr. said. “This is an awesome character and this is just your first taste of him. We hope you survive.”
Pre-Order Now in Digital, Physical and QR Trading Card format!
About DoorSlash:
Written By Patrick Hickey Jr. and Chris Booth
Illustrated By Chris Booth
Lettered By Patrick Hickey Jr.
Rumors of a Serial Killer circle Brooklyn and one man attempts to confront the evilness himself. Is it real or just an urban legend furthered by bored teens on social media? What will he find?
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