Legacy is proud to announce that Tales From The Condreyverse: Angel of Death, written by Patrick Hickey Jr and with art by Joshua Adams, is set for an Early-Spring release in Physical, Digital and Trading Card QR format.

“This is the last piece of the first arc of Condrey,” Legacy Comix owner Patrick Hickey Jr. said. “Joshua Adams did an amazing job here and I’m so happy that Beltran just the introduction he deserved following Young Condrey.”
About Tales From The Condreyverse: Angel of Death:
Written by Patrick Hickey Jr.
Pencils, Inks and Colors by Joshua Adams
Lettered by Joshua Adams
The origin story of Beltran!
Set hundreds of years ago, Condrey: Angel of Death tells the story of a man lost. How will he survive when all has forsaken him?
Is he human anymore?
How will Beltran’s action change the world for centuries to come?
Pre-Order Today!
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